Smoking dating site
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Dating > Smoking dating site
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Click here: ※ Smoking dating site ※ ♥ Smoking dating site
A few months ago I met a European girl at a nightclub in San Diego. Smoking bans do not affect you here! First we want to confirm that reinstatement of your membership is what you desire. If you think this seems like a lot, think again.
Even God smokes a fine cigar. The tumor was pressing on her vocal nerves and she good not talk most if the north adn carried a board and marker in case she could not talk. I am a Virginia Slim girl, not a Marb. Verified Indian Dating Profiles, 100 % Safe and Secure. Once you sign up, you can instantly see photos and read other people´s profiles. I only sit and el, roll the smoking dating site off ~ never tump or flick 'em.
Never ever walk and carry a lit cigarette. Finally, over 50 percent of the non smoking women I have talked to said if they really cared about someone they would be willing to atleast occasionally smoke to please their mate. Now, the has made it easy for you by putting all the single marijuana enthusiasts in one place.
Smoker Dating at, Where Smoking is Never a Turn Off! - They were both trying to cut down the first wasn't too serious about it, the second was actually quitting.
Page 1 of 6 , , , , , Ok I once dated a girl who told me she thought smoking made her look sexy. I dont mind a girl smoking, never have, and never really thought about it again till the other day when some how out to eat with some friends for atleast the 4th time in my life a girl told me she felt she was sexier when she smoked. She actually went on to say the entire reason she started smoking was because a guy she dated had a smoking fetish and he convinced her to give it a try. There were 8 of us at dinner, 5 girls, all smokers, and 2 others said they picked up the habbit after dating a guy who smoked. So I looked it up online and apperantly the smoking fetish is a huge deal. They sell videos, and have thousands upon thousands of sites dedicated to this fetish. So I decided so to speak to get the opinion of the general public. Do women really think its sexy when they smoke. Do women have this fetish as well. Do you feel sexier when you smoke? And how do you feel knowing that according to the statistics I found that 6 out of 10 men are secretly watching you when you smoke, most of whom are in the closest about their fetish? Bascially Im just asking, what does everyone think about this concept? Smoking is NOT sexy..... In fact, I think the face a person makes while inhaling is decidely unsexy. I try not to smoke around non-smokers, partly for that reason, partly out of consideration. That said, I have to admit that it does make me feel kinda butch to walk around with a cigarette in my mouth, no hands holding it. Maybe I have a James Dean fetish. But I'm a ladylike smoker. Never ever walk and carry a lit cigarette. Always have a pretty cigarette case and lighter. I only sit and smoke, roll the ashes off ~ never tump or flick 'em. I never EVER light up, while in the saddle... I am a Virginia Slim girl, not a Marb. I have seen some of the prettiest women out there and I glance at them and they sometimes glance back but when I see them light up they might as well forget it. Smoking is nasty, unhealthy, it makes you stink, makes your clothes smell and when I am in a room with smokers I feel like I am covered in tar until I take a shower. I told my lady that if she ever started smoking it will be outside, she will not smoke in the vehicle and I will not kiss her until she brushes her teeth. She looked at me and said you will never have to worry about me smoking. I love the way it looked and had cravings for it before I ever lit up. I used to pretend to smoke when playing with friends as a child and thought I looked ever so cool even in the act of pretending. I smoked for twenty years and am happy to say I quit it over a year ago as quick as I had picked it up with relatively no harm at all and it was pretty painless. I wish it were so easy for all people as I used no aids and quit around smokers. People still smoke in my house and in my car and it does not bother me in the least. Too bad I didn't do it sooner, man would I have saved a whole whack of money!!! I will never be able to explain why in the world I liked it so much and will never know how it changed for me but it did and it was no more explainable than someone being attracted to blond hair and blue eyes. Very strange I know but very true too. I truly thought I would smoke till the day I died I liked it so much. These are the trends I am noticing from compiling date from both real life and the internet. First off most of the women who say smoking looks attractive are non smokers. Most of the women who smoke say its nasty. Fewer girls in general seem to find it sexy then men. More men then not find it sexy, but deny it until they have the annominity of the internet hide behind and will then tell you right out if asked in real life they will say its nasty to keep from being seen as a freak. The 2nd biggest fantasy seems to be convincing a girl to smoke. The number one reason of course Ive found that girls start smoking if of course peer pressure, but very closely followed is a boyfriend convincing them to start, and very often it also seems that the peer pressure comes from the boyfriend. Talking to many of these girls who started, some became very heavy smokers that quit easily after the relationship. Some actually loved it and continued and only seek out men they can smoke during sexual encounters. I notice it seems however that the girls who started for a guy seem to have an easier time quitting no matter how heavily they smoked or for how long. I found only 2 girls who had a smoking fetish. And on of those only found other women sexy doing it. The other one didnt so much have a fetish as she said she just liked to light up sometimes while recieving oral, or during the act. No girl yet has found a man smoking attractive. Finally, over 50 percent of the non smoking women I have talked to said if they really cared about someone they would be willing to atleast occasionally smoke to please their mate. I compiled this info with a partner who Im writing the paper with, and between comparing notes and such, we have talked to almost 350 people. So at this point I would say I see a romeo and juilet syndrom. Reversal of power so to speak. Men in society have always been considered powerful, once upon a time it was considered unladylike for a woman to smoke. Then women picked up the habbit. Orginally it seemed to be constitued with a bad girl image, a good girl who smoke type deal, and was very commonly seen as sexy in the old days. By the 70s and even now of course its viewed as sexy, you have certain brands of cigarettes target towards women where the ads make the woman out to be more sexy because she is smoking. Virginia slims, capris, and a brand called More 120s, oddly enough, these are some of the most popular brands among men. We can easily chalk it up to oral fixation, but it does seem more a reversal of power. The men feel dominant in getting the ladies to smoke, and the women feel dominant over the men in doing so. The romeo and juliet syndrom as I call it, we shall slowly posion ourseleves for each other as symbol of our love. Anyway its kind of a ramble, and I still have a paper to write, but I thought Id share this stuff. No girl yet has found a man smoking attractive. I think it's sexy as hell! The way they handle it, expecially cigars. Love a man with a cigar! Even God smokes a fine cigar... I think he does, anyways. My mother was a trick roper and rider. She could snap the end of a cigar off with a clean razor snipp, circlin' an arena on horseback..... I'm trainin' but heck... I can see how it could be a type of role-play. And when you speak about someone lighting up during oral - this could also give the smoker a couple of highs so to speak and if the giver enjoys this fetish, both would win. I'd be interested to read your paper when you are done. There was always the man lighting 2 cigarettes and passing one on to the woman who sensually takes it from her man!! Of course that was then and this is now!! Smoking is certainly not sensual now - but hey they still show this old time behaviour from time to time!! Once when I was very young. I STILL hate bigred gum to this day!!! Because the taste totally changed with his cig's! He smoked more then a pack a day! Smoking does not make a woman look sexier... In the end they are going to have lil lines around their mouths that look so sexy now! I'd never smoke just to please a man.............. I've quit 3 times and by quit I mean stayed off them for years, so I know hope I can quit again. I find them embarrassing and no I don't think they make me sexier at all, I think they'll make me die and early painful death if I don't quit again soon, or make me have to carry around an oxygen tank by the time I'm 50. They are so addictive, the worse. I think a girl chewing gum looks worse than a girl smoking though. However generally what I have found is that guys seem to find a girl exhaling the smoke the most appealing part, and those you can actually get to admit to having the fetish seem to adore a woman to smoke while they are preforming oral. It seems a huge turn on for the fetishers to just find a sexy girl and anticipate the moment they find out the woman smokes. Ive looked on alot of messages boards on the subject and they seem to go nuts when they find out a celebrity they have hoped is a smoker turns out to be one, or or smokes during a movie. They seem to get very dissapointed however if they can tell the girl isnt a real smoker and doesnt inhale. So simply put I have kind of strayed from idea it has to do with oral sex and the thoughts of it. She was completely bald all over, from 6 rounds of chemotherapy and Maximum curative radiation. So weak she could barely walk or even sit up straight some days. Spent 10,000 dollars over 3 years out of pocket to keep fighting and I HAD GOOD HEALTH INSURANCE. The insurance company spent a lot more. The tumor was pressing on her vocal nerves and she good not talk most if the time adn carried a board and marker in case she could not talk. No smoking is NOT SEXY AT ALL. I do not preach eithher but am a Lung Cancer advocate.